[READ MORE: Breaking New Ground in Vaccine Development](https://lunalabs.us/vaccine-development-carbon-nanotubes//)
[READ MORE: Breaking New Ground in Vaccine Development](https://lunalabs.us/vaccine-development-carbon-nanotubes//)
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Instill confidence in your students

Dislotech’s fidelic product line of joint reduction trainers to teach proper joint reduction technique.

From JRT to Dislotech

New Name. Revamped Design. Unwavering Reliability.

Today marks a pivotal shift in our JRT product line of joint reduction trainers. We are excited to unveil our new brand identity: Dislotech.

Our new brand reflects an innovative and creative intention to develop training technologies for better treatment of joint injuries. 

Realistic palpation of anatomy

Fidelic range of motion

Durable for repeated use

Compatible with mulitple reduction techniques

Shoulder Trainer  |  Full Hand Finger Trainer  |  Pack o’ 5 Finger Trainer

Head shot of Dr. Brian Werner

Dislotech Webinar Series:
Best Practices for Shoulder Instability and Reduction Technique

Join Dr. Brian Werner, University of Virginia Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, for an engaging discussion about treating shoulder instability. Learn about the mechanisms of shoulder injury. Watch as Dr. Werner demonstrates proper reduction techniques. Hear first-hand about surgeries performed to correct shoulder injuries.

Save the Date

February 20, 2024  |  2:00 – 2:45 pm ET

Registration information coming soon.

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