[READ MORE: Tackling Galvanic Corrosion](https://lunalabs.us/galvanic-corrosion/)
[READ MORE: Tackling Galvanic Corrosion](https://lunalabs.us/galvanic-corrosion/)
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There is an urgent unmet need for a method to rapidly quantify Metal Deactivator Additive (MDA) in jet fuels to ensure safety.  There have been many recent jet fuel failures of thermal stability, resulting from the inability to test concentration quickly and accurately.

Luna Labs has developed a method using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) measurements that allow a fuel handler to rapidly detect MDA in jet fuel.  Our method is applicable to all types of jet fuel and will yield results in the field in less than ten minutes.

We are currently adapting the method into the MDAnalyzer™ which is a portable device developed with our partners at Axcend. We will be seeking approvals for use by the US Armed Forces, as well as civilian adoption through ASTM approvals.

For more information, contact systems@lunalabs.us

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