[READ MORE: Rapid Detection of PTSD-Associated DNA Methylation](https://lunalabs.us/ptsd-associated-dna-methylation//)
[READ MORE: Rapid Detection of PTSD-Associated DNA Methylation](https://lunalabs.us/ptsd-associated-dna-methylation//)
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Our ability to detect a single methyl group on a single base of a specific gene in whole blood is the equivalent of finding a needle in a haystack. Equally amazing is our ability to simultaneously measure the amount of methylation present. This precise identification and quantification capability, combined with the speed of our approach, represents a significant advance over current methods, enabling faster risk assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.
Chris Tison head shot
Chris Tison
Director of Biotech, Luna Labs

A Novel High-Speed Method for Single-Base DNA Methylation Detection and Quantification

Our Luna Labs’ biotech team has developed a faster, simpler way to detect epigenetic changes related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), reducing DNA methylation identification from 4 days (using standard approaches) to 9 hours. This breakthrough method, funded by the Department of Defense SBIR program and published in ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science, removes many of the complex and time-consuming steps previously needed. 

Luna Labs’ EpiNanoSPRiᵀᴹ technology involves a simple yet highly sensitive blood test to identify epigenetic modifications associated with PTSD. Our technology:

– Identifies DNA methylation patterns associated with PTSD
– Reduces analysis time from 4 days to just 9 hours
– Detects methylation at the single-base level
– Simultaneously analyzes multiple PTSD-associated genes

This work is opening new doors for the assessment and treatment of PTSD as well as new possibilities for the diagnosis of traumatic brain injury, dementia, and Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s diseases.

Read the white paper here

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