[READ MORE: Insights and Inspiration: Forging the Commercial Path](https://lunalabs.us/insights-and-inspiration-forging-the-commercial-path/)
[READ MORE: Insights and Inspiration: Forging the Commercial Path](https://lunalabs.us/insights-and-inspiration-forging-the-commercial-path/)
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Earlier this year, Luna Labs’ medical simulation team launched our product line of joint reduction trainers, kicking off with our JRT Shoulder Reduction Trainer at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) expo.

Response to the shoulder reduction trainer was exciting. Introduced as ‘JRT’ (Joint Reduction Trainer), the device allows for multiple greater movement reduction techniques in various torso positions to practice anterior shoulder reductions.

What is joint reduction? A reduction restores a dislocated joint back into place. Luna Labs’ training devices give medical providers experience with an anatomically correct dislocation and hands-on training to reduce the joint back into position.

The Luna Labs' Dislotech Shoulder Joint Reduction Trianer
Luna Labs' shoulder reduction trainer

As interest grew, it became clear this one-of-a-kind product line needed an identity – a name and brand to convey its technical effectiveness, high fidelity, commitment to quality, and uniqueness in the marketplace. Dislotech was born. 

Dislotech logo

Innovative. Memorable.

Flexible to accommodate our expanding joint reduction product line.

That's Dislotech.

The Dislotech Finger Reduction Trainer
The Dislotech finger reduction trainer

Coming in 2024: finger, hand, and patella trainers. The finger trainer, available in early 2024, teaches students proper finger reduction technique for dorsal proximal inter-phalangeal joint dislocations.

Special thanks to the Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation (VIPC) for funding to support this technology development.


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