[READ MORE: Insights and Inspiration: Forging the Commercial Path](https://lunalabs.us/insights-and-inspiration-forging-the-commercial-path/)
[READ MORE: Insights and Inspiration: Forging the Commercial Path](https://lunalabs.us/insights-and-inspiration-forging-the-commercial-path/)
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Medical device development is alive and well in Charlottesville.

That’s a fact supported by last fall’s U.S. Startup Ecosystem Ranking showing Charlottesville coming in at 10th in the U.S. for medical device capital raised.

Seed, Series A, and Series B funding helps to drive innovation and creates a groundswell of investment opportunities, unique resources, a talented and creative workforce, a diverse supply chain, and applied research solutions.

Charlottesville’s Medical Device Ecosystem

We’re glad to be part of the medical device ecosystem with our medsim line of TrueClot bleeding control trainers, Dislotech Joint Reduction Trainers, and pipeline of additional healthcare solutions.

And we’re in good company. RIVANNA, Owl Peak Technologies, InBio, Caretaker Medical, Contraline, Cerillo, Icarus Medical Innovations – these are just a few of the Charlottesville-based companies addressing healthcare challenges.

Credit: Digico Video

These companies were together with us at the inaugural CvilleBioHub Device and Tech Expo earlier this year. It was a fantastic display of C’ville-developed healthcare technologies ranging from our bleeding control and joint reduction trainers to screenings for cancer and soft tissue damage to home health and allergen monitoring to male contraception.

See the Daily Progress press coverage here.

We’re always on the look out for talented, curious scientists and engineers. Find out about our open opportunities.


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