[READ MORE: Breaking New Ground in Vaccine Development](https://lunalabs.us/vaccine-development-carbon-nanotubes//)
[READ MORE: Breaking New Ground in Vaccine Development](https://lunalabs.us/vaccine-development-carbon-nanotubes//)
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These efforts represent a small subset of our projects that capitalize on in-house expertise spanning engineering and science disciplines. Our teams are continuously working on new ways to solve complex health issues. It’s part of our commitment to bring high-impact healthcare solutions to the point-of-care.
Chris Tison head shot
Chris Tison, PhD
Director of Biotech, Luna Labs

Want a peek behind the biotech curtain to see some of the latest technologies that are helping to improve health and wellness? 

Luna Labs’ scientists and engineers are working with partners around the country (and world) to develop medical devices for use at the point of care, next-gen biosensors and wearables, wound care solutions, new drug delivery platforms, and medical simulation training tools.

Emerging Technologies

Vaccine delivery platforms that improve immune responses, enhance cellular uptake, and simplify cold storage requirements.

Sprayable barrier to prevent adhesion formation after cesarean section or other abdominal surgeries.

Rapid Care for Eye Wounds

Rapid diagnostics to detect eye injuries on the combat field to reduce the risk of blindness, combined with advanced nanofiber-reinforced hydrogel dressings to enable stabilization at the point of injury.

Dissolvable swabs to release almost 100% of biological material for analysis and to simplify the DNA extraction process during analysis.

Skin surrogate to assess penetration risk and enable validation of less lethal force.

Dehydration Monitoring

Non-invasive, wearable hydration sensor to decrease dehydration-induced mental incapacitation for military aircrew safety.

Medical Simulation

Our medical simulation team, with expertise in biophysics, biomaterials, and product development, create anatomically correct training devices to provide unprecedented realism for hands-on skills development.

Our Dislotech product line with accurate anatomical landmarks provides athletic trainers and other medical professionals with a realistic joint reduction experience.

TrueClot® bleeding control training products with realistic clotting provide medical professionals and civilians with hands-on training to address critical bleeding injuries.

Hands-on demonstration of a proper shoulder reduction.
Image of two Ukrainian women learning how to pack a wound,
Civilian volunteers in Ukraine getting hands-on wound packing training.

Learn more about biotech at Luna Labs.


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